
Bound 1996

Love isn’t a crime, but it can get you in trouble. In Bound, Violet’s love for Corky creates a dangerous situation for the pair. As Violet’s hot headed mobster husband Caesar is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure he gets what he wants. But these lovebirds are prepared. As each event unfolds into the next, you’ll be wondering how exactly this story will unfold.

The Story

Lust at First Sight

Living in luxury, violet is the wife of well-connected mobster Caesar. In the condo next door, Corky makes renovations as contractor. When Violet and Corky meet, the pair immediately have chemistry. But with the two being total strangers, is this a temporary fling? Or are they serious about each other?

Violet, Corky, and Caesar

As their relationship begins, Caesar gets to work for a mob boss. Meanwhile, Corky and Violet craft a scheme against Caesar to get rich and escape his fury. But with Corky’s past criminal history and Violet’s mysteriousness, their relationship becomes questionable in the face of danger. As Caesar suddenly suspect something’s wrong, the pair are on edge. And Caesar’s willing do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

Can Corky and Violet escape the wraith of Caesar? Is this scheme really just a trap for money, leaving the other with a target on their back? Or is there something deeper to their relationship? As the two face one dilemma after the next, Corky and Violet must quickly decide whether they want an easy solo escape, or if their love is worth the risk.

Lust & Romance

Bound is about love in the face of danger

Love in the Face of Danger

Violet (Jennifer Tilly) and Corky (Gina Gershon) are attractive women with distinct personalities. Violet, is trapped within the mob world, craving freedom and escape from Caesar. Corky, an ex-con, is barely putting her life back together after getting out of the slam. If opposites attract, these two are the definition. And their passion for each other is as hot as it is deep!

Bound is tastefully sexy

Tasetfully Racy

What makes their relationship so believable is the authenticity and sensual execution of the actresses. Their unwavering attraction and commitment to each other is amongst the highest in all of cinema. As they find ways to sneak in time for each other. Risking getting caught by Caesar, and potentially losing their lives in the process.

A Dangerous Game of Trust & Deception

Bound Blood Money

A Dangerous Game, With Real Consequences

When Violet and Corky enter into a deal to deceive Caesar, things couldn’t be more dangerous. With the perception that Caesar may be failing to appease the boss, all bets are off. As he begins to suspect anyone, and everyone is plotting against. As Violet and Corky play their game, their trust is put to the test.

If there’s one detail the Wachowski’s perfectly execute in Bound, it’s the nuance of non-verbal communication. As every individual gives their displays of trust (or distrust), you get a clear picture on where they stand on things. With truth being the only weapon Corky and Violet have, verbal and non-verbal communication becomes critical for every player to conceal the truth or have it on full display.

Bound Caesar Unhinged

Caesar, the Madman

As events escalate, the mob’s involvement becomes intertwined with Caesar’s fate. But as things fall apart for Caesar, he too begins to come apart at the seams. As Corky and Violet continue forward with their plans, you begin to wonder how what outcome of will be for them in this dangerous game with severe consequences.

The Price We Pay for Love

Love Has No Price

The price for love is sacrifice. The moment we fall in love and commit ourselves to another person, we forego our life beforehand. Forging ahead our new love as the focus in life. In Bound, Corky and Violet take an extreme risk in the face of danger just to be with one another. The only questions remaining are, is their love real? And if so, will they find a way to survive and thrive with each other?

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